Have you been looking for in-home care delivered by professionals with experience working with diabetes community services? Do you want expert care that works in tandem with other diabetes support services?
If you are living with diabetes you may need help at home, and have complex care needs now or in the future.
Through our decades of experience at Beacon Support, we have a thorough understanding of diabetes community services and know how important it is to receive quality in-home care based on your specific needs. We are ready to deliver the care you need and assist you with everyday activities that may be too difficult to manage by yourself.
We have extensive experience in caring for clients with diabetes in their homes. Beacon Support offers you tailored in-home care options, including:
- Glycaemic management support
- Help with mobility and exercise
- Nutrition and dietary support
- Administering of medication
- Bowel and bladder function support
- Emotional support to you and your loved ones
- Coordination with other services such as occupational therapy, podiatry, and physiotherapy
- Personal care support as required
- 24 hour support if needed
- Connect you to relevant diabetes community services and support networks.